With such a fast paced world, a hectic daily routine, life roars like a lion. Simply makes it easy to miss the aromas in the air, the patterns in the sky, the smiles of strangers, the concern of friends, the love you can't see, touch or feel.
So what's gotten into me, what's this have to do with my weight loss journey? It's simple. Three people without realizing they were helping me, helped me. Okay I need to say more, I know.
#1 One of my gym buddies looks amazing and I saw that she recently ran in the Iron Girl.
#2 A stranger on the plane who travels 90% of the time for work talked to me about his love of going to the gym and how he went every day. He manages to get it in regardless of being on the road for weeks at a time.
#3 A colleague of mine I hadn't seen since January told me about her smoothie regimen when she's on the road travelling. She packs her magic bullet and buys fruit, kale, almond butter, greek yogurt, etc. when she gets to her destination so she can make smoothies for breakfast and lunch then she eats what she wants for dinner. She actually made me one.
See normally I'd see these on the surface, not really relate them to me but I'm choosing to look beyond the facts of these encounters. I don't see these as things to do necessarily though. Will I try to exercise on the road? Yes! Will I try to run a 5k this year? Yes! Will I try eat sensibly on the road? Yes! Duplicating their efforts isn't my goal, but I do know that my journey is important. In some ways it's as important to me as others who follow me and hear my story whether they relate on a shallow level or a deeper one, it matters. It matters to me just as those people and many others matter to me.
Looking through rose colored glasses,
"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges." - Pat Riley
"A positive attitude is not going to save you. What it's going to do is, everyday, between now and the day you die, whether that's a short time from now or a long time from now, that every day, you're going to actually live." - Elizabeth Edwards