Friday, September 4, 2015


By now anyone that knows me or sees my facebook post knows I have a birthday this month.  Anyone who knows me well knows I celebrate me and my birthday the whole month.  So if you're reading this and haven't signed up to see me the month of September, "What are you waiting for?"

Each year my birthday seems to become more important to me and it's not because I want to receive gifts, or go out on the town, or be treated to a full body massage, or be surprised, or receive any other lavish gift that you are so moved to give.  Now please know that I'm very grateful to receive any and all of those things, so feel free to spoil me, LOL, but on a serious note, what I've realized is that each one of my birthdays becomes more important because of two important ladies in my life.

The first one is my mother, the reality is each year I get closer and closer to the age my mother was when she passed away, which was 54.  The closer I get to 54, the more I realize just how young she was when she died.  So now I celebrate my birthday for both of us.  My mother was also a Virgo, her birthday is August 29, and seven days later is my daughter's birthday, September 5, and then fourteen days later mine, September 19.  September is bittersweet though because my mother passed away on September 29,  and more often than not I celebrate her life with "I miss you" tears.  I'm thankful for each tear because to me it represents how much love my mother had for me and vice versa.

So who is next on the list?  The second young lady in my life that I celebrate my birthday for is Almazi, my daughter.  As I already mentioned, her birthday is between my mother's and mine on September 5. This year my Queen Bee In Training turns thirteen.  When we named her, I chose Almazi because it means Diamond in Swahili, and she is far more precious than any jewel could ever be.  She is so full of life and according to Almazi's philosophy on life, every day is a day to have fun and enjoy.

So how does this post relate to purpose of my blogging about my fitness goals?  Well sometimes you need to verbalize your compelling "Whys" to keep yourself motivated and uplifted to get to where you need to be.  Why do I need to get into better health?  The list is long but there are some very important ones at the top, which include to live a full life for my children, and to honor my parent's legacy by being here as long as I can.  Almazi is named for her grandmothers both of whom she never met.  I can't change that, but I can take steps to improve my health and be here as long as I can.

I'm on Day 4 of my 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and I'm feeling fine, I've turned down good food and drinks the last few days, but I don't feel I've missed a thing.  Being healthy is as important as enjoying some of the indulgences of life.

Keep Calm and Celebrate Life,

"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows."  - Ralph Marston

"You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream."  -  C. S. Lewis

Friday, August 28, 2015

Back Pain

I have been in pain the last two days, so much so, that today I took a sick day from work.  As a result, I'm putting my back, knee, foot, shoulder, hip, fingers and toes pains  on notice, that their days are numbered.  With just two days of adjusting my eating habits to better choices I can tell I'm on the right track.  Though I can't get walking, jogging or ellipticalling (I know it's not a word, but it goes with my flow, LOL) right now with my back bothering me, I will be getting moving sooner than later.  In the meantime and in between time I'm still eating better to get myself back in balance.

So as I prepare to turn 47 next month, my plan is to wake up on my birthday morning (in Vegas) thankful another year and further on my path to better health.  My birthday is September 19 and I'm planning to do JJ Smith's 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse before it gets here.  My target date to begin is September 1.  I think it will be good for my body and great for my psyche to accomplish it.

An added benefit to recommitting to my health is cooking at home more.  I love to cook and when I'm making healthier choices, I have been the most creative in the kitchen with experimenting with new spices and food combinations.  I also end up trying new foods I wouldn't have necessarily discovered especially vegetables.

In the kitchen,

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It's Never Too Late

Today was an emotional day for me, yes that means tears and all. What got me there isn't important, what kept me from staying there is.  See I've got a good life and it can only get better.  I know it can and will, but just like a baby needing to crawl before you walk, the baby can get frustrated when they can't run while they are learning to stand.  I have my moments when I'm overwhelmed, and find the pin hole of light at the end of tunnel seems like it's gone, but realize it's just me needing to wipe the tears and look again.  Unclouded by the tears, I see it.  I always see it!  The importance of those moments for me is that I fight through them to make those tears stop as soon as I can AND immediately I am trying to figure out what I need to do next to not get there again.  Emotionally stripped down to build back up to move forward.  So where does that leave me now as I type the letters on this page?  Here, right here, sharing, strategizing and marching forward.

So why today after months, nearly a year since my last post, even then the previous post are far and few between, after my initial full steam ahead start?  Well it's pretty simple, it's never too late to finish what you've started.  As long as I have breath in my lungs, each day is an opportunity to get closer to the goal, no matter what set backs and stumbling blocks have hammered away at me and even backed me into a corner.  This blog was started to share the progress and adversity of my weight loss journey and that purpose still holds true.

As the pastor recently said, when things don't go as planned, sometimes you have to go back to the beginning and start again.  Currently, I'm back at a size and weight from several years ago.  Obviously, I'm back at the beginning and starting again.  This week my focus was on making changes in my eating first.  Inspired by that motivational statement, anyone can workout for an hour but strength is controlling what you eat the other 23 hours.  It's been a good start, taking steps even though they may be considered baby steps, they are steps moving forward.  Each step is a step away from the beginning and a step closer to the goal.

My best friend had to recently remind me, in the height of a stressful situation, that I am not satisfied with merely a positive outcome, it's about the journey and path to get there.  Reaching the destination isn't where I find my greatest satisfaction, it's the path to get there that I find reward, pleasure, joy and satisfaction.

I'm back on the journey and this is the part I enjoy so I will make the most of it as I begin again.  Join me or not, I'm on my way.
Solving the equation,

“One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.” ~John Wanamaker

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” ~Chinese Proverb