Friday, August 28, 2015

Back Pain

I have been in pain the last two days, so much so, that today I took a sick day from work.  As a result, I'm putting my back, knee, foot, shoulder, hip, fingers and toes pains  on notice, that their days are numbered.  With just two days of adjusting my eating habits to better choices I can tell I'm on the right track.  Though I can't get walking, jogging or ellipticalling (I know it's not a word, but it goes with my flow, LOL) right now with my back bothering me, I will be getting moving sooner than later.  In the meantime and in between time I'm still eating better to get myself back in balance.

So as I prepare to turn 47 next month, my plan is to wake up on my birthday morning (in Vegas) thankful another year and further on my path to better health.  My birthday is September 19 and I'm planning to do JJ Smith's 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse before it gets here.  My target date to begin is September 1.  I think it will be good for my body and great for my psyche to accomplish it.

An added benefit to recommitting to my health is cooking at home more.  I love to cook and when I'm making healthier choices, I have been the most creative in the kitchen with experimenting with new spices and food combinations.  I also end up trying new foods I wouldn't have necessarily discovered especially vegetables.

In the kitchen,

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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