A few weeks ago I was in Cardio Karate class and my right hamstring tightened up on me causing me to stop. After the instructor helped me by stretching and massaging it, I was able to walk on it gingerly. I tried to take it easy a few days by lightening up my workout and taking the advice of my trainer, CJ, who had on a couple of occasions had to help me massage it out during our sessions. Finally after more than a few days I was able to return full force to me routine because remember I'm trying to win a contest. So last night I started to feel a tinge in that same hamstring, I chose to forego the second workout I had planned for the day and used "The Stick" to roll it out. This morning when I did Cardio Karate, I could tell my hamstring was ready to let me know who is boss so I tried to listen and obey and was successful at getting a good workout without pissing my hammie off. So now I feel like I need to do a Hammie Dance like Native Americans used to do a rain dance to end a drought. Finish strong is advice I've gotten from family and friends so I hope my Hamstring is listening as well.
11 Days to Go Hamstring so let's do this,
I would rather be covered in SWEAT at the gym than covered with CLOTHES at the beach." - Unknown
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