"I'm depressed about not getting in the gym, I want to blog but don't want to post something depressing or sound like self pity. Maybe that's what I'll say in the first sentence." - message I sent to a great friend that helped me decide what this post would be about. It's simply about the best motivation I have to keep my head up and be positive. See I'm still sidelined by my health and not only have I not returned to work, I've not returned to the gym either. I'm hopeful about returning to both at the end of the week but right now, two days of not going to work or the gym seems like an eternity. So what better way to chase blues away than to talk about My Crew: "The Motivators". That would be Howard, III, Almazi and Stevie, Jr. When I think why this time I will get the weight off, I think of my three children. I want to be in the best health possible for them now and later. I will admit I'm on blood pressure meds, and I don't like it but because of family history and the weight, that's where I am BUT that's not where I have to stay. Now don't get me wrong I'm very pleased with the new waist line and the toner curves but the energy I have to keep up with an insane schedule and my crew is well worth the pushing me to the test workouts with CJ, the early morning Cardio Karate classes or the shake what you momma gave you Zumba classes, not to mention the countless minutes on a variety of machines in the gym. So I'm keeping my head up and my eyes on the prize because the benefits that not only I will enjoy but my crew will too. Now off to bed so my body can finish this healing process I've got a contest to win, 170 students to return to, countless teachers to train and not to mention MY CREW, Howard, III, Almazi and Stevie, Jr.
7 Days left and sick or not, don't count me out!
"Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like it's heaven on earth." - Mark Twain
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