Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 16 of 21

This was a tough day, but I'm choosing to end this day sharing a bit of me.  I'm on the homestretch of my 21 Day Journey, life happens and we keep moving because without movement there is no progress.

My Life is Better than a Fairytale

by: Lynnell

Fairytales are stories with happy endings
Where everything works out in the end
There is a good that evil seeks to destroy
Evil may capture good but it's only temporary
For we all know that at the end of the fairytale
A hero emerges to save the day
They outwit and conquer evil 
Good wins and lives happily ever after
Each moment of my life I realize
My Life is Better than a Fairytale

I haven't been put to sleep by an evil witch
Or captured under the spell of one either
I haven't been tricked to spin gold from thread
My hair hasn't been needed as a rope 
Nor have I had to kiss a toad
Why?  It's simple...
My Life is Better than a Fairytale

Now don't get me wrong, 
I've had plenty of moments that I thought evil was attacking me
Only to find that I could combat it
Not lay in wait, not look for a toad
When I needed the armor of love or friendship
To help fight those battles they were always there for me
Giving courage, giving me strength, giving evidence that
My Life is Better than a Fairytale

One of those moments when I felt under attack,
I wrote to myself in a journal: 
"When I realized that I was my own night in shining armor, 
I had to power to save myself."
It was my inner strength connecting with my outer strength
Reminding me that I dream in color for a reason
I believe in rainbows in all seasons and 
MY love is infinite not an infinitesimal
My Life is Better than a Fairytale

Thanks for letting me share!
- Lynnell

"When I realized that I was my own night in shining armor, I had to power to save myself."
- Lynnell Matthews

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